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Intermediate Algebra Curriculum Map





Solve equations involving several variables for 1 variable in terms of the others.


Use knowledge of solving equations with rational values to represent and solve mathematical and real world problems and interpret the solutions in the original context.


Distinguish between relations and functions using the vertical line test and the definition of a function.


Identify the dependent and independent variables as well as the domain and range given a function, equation, or graph.  Identify restrictions on the domain and range in real world contexts.


Use function notation; evaluate a function, including nonlinear, at a given point in its domain algebraically and graphically.  Interpret the results in terms of real world and mathematical problems.

  • Isolate a specific variable
  • Identify the reciprocal operations (inverse operations
  • Understand what each variable represents (w=width)
  • Solve given equations for specific variables
  • Comprehend the original context of each equation given
  • Understand the relations between the given information
  • Use formulas to convert units
  • Use word problems & explain the meaning of the solution
  • Determine what qualifies a relation to be a function
  • Apply the vertical line test to determine a function
  • List, map, create a table, and graph the domain and range when given a set of data points
  • Determine the effect of dependent and independent variables in different settings
  • Determine the relation between domain an range in a real world context
  • Investigate tables to create lists of restrictions in a given situation
  • Complete a function table from an equation
  • Evaluate function when given values
  • Graph a function given a table
  • Determine if a function is linear or nonlinear
  • List the domain and range of a function
  • Write a function given various forms of data in terms of real world math problems

UNIT 1             22 days



Chapter 1


  1. 2day
  2. 2day
  3. 3day


  1. 3day
  2. 2day
  4.    4day


  1.     4day


Review and Test   2day


Evaluate linear, absolute value, rational, and radical expressions.  Include applying a nonstandard operation such as t-chart or table.


Write square roots and cube roots of monomial algebraic expressions in simplest radical form


Add, subtract, multiply, and simplify square roots of monomial algebraic expressions and divide square roots of whole numbers, rationalizing the denominator when necessary


  • Substitute values into an expression for a given variable
  • Draw conclusions based on basic math concepts to determine the missing operation
  • Reduce answers to simplified form
  • Solve problems that are perfect square roots and cube roots
  • Identify if a term is a monomial; or if an expression is a monomial, binomial, or a trinomial
  • Factor whole numbers into its simplest radical form
  • Review simplifying square roots
  • Identify numbers as rational (whole numbers, repeating/terminating decimals) or irrational ( non-repeating/non-terminating decimals)
  • Convert radicals to a decimal
  • Order and compare rational numbers
  • Locate and estimate rational numbers relative to position on number line
  • Add & subtract simplified radicals
  • Multiply & divide radical expressions
  • Understand the process and reasoning for rationalizing the denominator




Chapter 2         22 days


2-1     4days

2-2     2day

2-3     3days


2-4     2day


2-5     3days

2-6     3day


2-7     3day



Review & Test  2days



Recognize that arithmetic sequences are linear using equation, tables, graphs, and verbal descriptions.  Using the pattern, find the next term.


Calculate and interpret slope and the x- & y- intercepts of a line using a graph, an equation, 2 points, or a set of data points to solve real world and mathematical problems


Write linear functions, using function notation, to model real world and mathematical situations


Recognize the graph of the functions and predict the effects of transformations (and where is a + or – constant) algebraically and graphically using various methods and tools that may include graphing calculators


Interpret graphs as being discrete or continous

  • Determine the common difference between 2 points
  • Recognize the patterns in a linear equation, tables, graphs, and verbal descriptions
  • Predict the next term by identifying the change in the given pattern
  • Graph arithmetic sequences to determine if they are linear or nonlinear
  • Find the slope of a graph, slope from 2 points, and slope of an equation
  • Graph a line using slope
  • Identify the x- & y- intercepts and use them to graph a line
  • Create equations using function notation which are linear in form
  • Solve real world problems involving function notation
  • Describe how a parent functions has been changed and how that would influence the graph of each
  • Use various methods and tools to explore how the change in an equation alters the location of its graph on a coordinate plane (use technology to predict eh effects of transformations)
  • Interpret bar graphs, histograms, stem-and-leaf plots and boz-and-whiskers
  • Determine if a graph is discrete or continuous and explain the difference





Chapter 3        29 days


3-1     3days

3-2     4days

3-3     4days


3-4     4days


3-5     4days


3-6     4days

3-7     4days


Review & Test  2days























Collect data and use scatter plots to analyze patterns and describe linear relationships between 2 variables.  Using graphing technology, determine regression lines and correlation coefficients, use regression lines to make predictions and correlation coefficients to assess the reliability of those predictions. (how to represent the data, learn to create a graph based on data)


Express linear equations in slope intercept point-slope, and stand forms, and convert between these forms.  Given sufficient information (slope and y intercept, slope and one point on the line, two points on the line, x & y intercepts, or a set of data points) write the equation of the line.


Solving mathematical and real world problems involving lines that are parallel, perpendicular, horizontal or vertical.


Identify and generate equivalent representations of linear equations, graphs, tables, and real world situations


Add, subtract, and multiply functions using function notation

  • Collect data and create a scatter plot
  • Describe the data as +,-, constant, or no correlation
  • Determine the location of a line of best fit for a given scatter plot
  • Create and draw conclusions from a linear regression line
  • Utilize graphing technology to explore and identify various ways of graphing, compare and contrast, and presenting data
  • Converting slope intercept problems to standard form
  • Converting standard form to slope intercept form
  • Express linear equations in point slope form
  • Write equation s from various given data
  • Find the slope of parallel and perpendicular lines
  • Solving word problems with real world examples involving systems of equations
  • Write the equation of a parallel or perpendicular line given an original equation
  • Graph and write the equation of horizontal and vertical lines
  • Identify linear functions from a graph or table
  • Write linear functions
  • Take given information and generate an equivalent form
  • Solve simple add, subtract, and multiply functions using function notation




Chapter 4          26 days


4-1     4days

4-2     4days


4-3     4days

4-4     4days


4-5     4days

4-6     4days



Review & Test  2days


Solve absolute value equations and interpret the solutions in the original context.


Translate between a graph and a situation described qualitatively


Represent relationships in various contexts with linear inequalities; solve the resulting inequalities, graph on a coordinate plane, and interpret the solutions

(introduce inequalities on a number line)


Represent relationships in various contexts with compound and absolute value inequalities and solve the resulting inequalities by graphing and interpreting the solutions on a number line.

  • Comprehend the definition of absolute value
  • Use basic math operations to solve absolute value equations
  • Present the solution in terms of positive distance from 0 for given absolute value expressions
  • Find the solution set for the original context (+/- solutions)
  • Draw conclusions from a given graph in terms of >,<
  • Solve equations involving older, younger, shorter, or longer than
  • Ex. How many of each homework problems can be completed in a given time?
  • Find solutions to inequalities
  • Write inequalities from number lines
  • Solve one or two step inequalities
  • Solve multiple-step inequalities
  • Solve one step linear inequalities using addition and subtraction
  • Solve two step linear inequalities using multiplication and division
  • Graph the solution set for 1 & 2 step inequalities
  • Solve & write compound inequalities
  • Solve linear inequalities in coordinate plane (using word problems) 





Chapter 5        14 days


5-1     3days

5-2     3days

5-3     3days



5-5     3days



Review & Test   2days


Given a graph modeling a real world situation, read and interpret the linear piecewise function (excluding step functions)


Analyze and solve real world and mathematical problems involving systems of linear equations with a maximum of 2 variables by graphing (may include graphing calculator or other appropriate technology) substitution, elimination. Interpret the solutions in the original context.


Solve systems of linear inequalities with a maximum of 2 variables; graph and interpret the solutions on a coordinate plane.

  • Interpret graphs which are in a linear piecewise form
  • Solve real world problems involving function notation
  • Model how to write an equation given a real world situation and label the variables to relate to the word problem
  • Analyze a real world problem and create a system of equations to represent the situation
  • Solve the system by using various methods to find a solution(s)
  • Apply the concepts of linear systems given coordinates fro 2 pairs of points
  • Solve real world and mathematical problems leading to two linear equations in two variables
  • Model how to write linear inequalities given real world situations and label the variables to relate to the word problem
  • Analyze a real world problem and create a system of inequalities to represent the situations
  • Solve the system by graphing to find a solution(s)
  • Apply the concepts of linear inequality systems given the inequalities
  • Solve real world &mathematical problems leading to 2 linear inequalities in 2 variables




Chapter 6           10  days


6-1     1day

6-2     1day

6-3     2day


6-4     2days

6-5     1day

6-6     1days


Review & Test   2days















Recognize that geometric sequences are exponential using equations, tables, graphs and verbal descriptions.  Given the formula, find the next term.


Distinguish between linear and nonlinear data (including exponential) through tables, graphs, equations, and real world contexts. 

  • Identify different patterns in equations, tables, and graphs
  • Use the pattern to determine the next term in a sequence
  • Understand exponential parent functions
  • Graph points from a data set to recognize that geometric sequences are exponential
  • Identify the given geometric ratio between values
  • Match exponential functions and graphs
  • Distinguish between exponential growth and decay: word problems
  • Describe the characteristics of quadratic functions




Chapter 7          8 days

7-1     1day

7-2     2days

7-3     1day


7-4     1day

7-5     1day


Review & Test  2 days


Simplify polynomial expressions by adding, subtracting, or multiplying


Factor common monomial factors from polynomial expressions and factor quadratic expressions with a leading coefficient of 1.


  • Combine like terms from simple polynomials
  • Identify monomial, binomial, trinomial
  • Perform simple distribution with numerical values
  • Determine the GCF for all types of polynomial expressions
  • Factor quadratic expressions with a leading coefficient of 1




Chapter 8         11 days


8-1     2days

8-2     2days

8-3     1day


8-5    2days

8-7     1day

8-8     1day


Review & Test   2days


Describe a data set using data displays, describe and compare data sets using summary statistics, including measures of central tendency, location, and spread.  Measures of central tendency and location include mean, media, mode and percentile.  Measures of spread include standard deviation and range.  Know how to use calculators, spreadsheets, or other appropriate technology to display data and calculate summary statistics.

  • Utilize graphing technology to explore and identify various ways of graphing, compare and contrast, and presenting data
  • Calculate mean, median, mode and range
  • Describe and identify a standard deviation in a set of data points
  • Identify outliers and describe the effects of moving it.




Chapter 10        9days


10-1     1day

10-2     2days

10-3     2days


10-4     1day

10-5     1day


Review & Test     2days


Select and apply counting procedures, such as the multiplication and addition principles and tree diagrams, to determine the size of a sample space ( the number of possible outcomes) and to calculate probabilities


Describe the concepts of intersections, unions, and complements using Venn Diagrams to evaluate probabilities.  Understand the relationships between these concepts and words AND, OR, and NOT


Calculate experimental probabilities by performing simulations or experiments involving a probability model and using relative frequencies of outcomes


Apply probability concepts to real world situations to make informed decisions

  • Determine the probability of a given sample space by using tree diagrams and applying counting procedures
  • Create Venn Diagrams to show the intersection between a given set of data
  • Calculate the probability involving AND, OR, and NOT statements
  • Describe how the words AND, OR, and NOT effect a solution set
  • Solve and explore compound events by testing the number of outcomes
  • Determine the probability of independent and dependent  events
  • Calculate permutations and combinations
  • Understand and utilize the counting principle
  • Solve real world problems involving probability and combinations to make informed choices




Chapter 11       17 days


11-1     3days

11-2     3days

11-3     3days


11-4     3days

11-5     3days


Review & Test    2days