to Art Class 2024/25
(Artwork created by Art 1 students the first week of school during the 2023/24 year.)
"If you hear a voice within you say you cannot paint, then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced." ~Vincent Van Gogh
1st hour (Planning) 7:50-8:40
2nd hour (MS Art) 8:45-9:35
3rd hour (Art 2) 9:40-10:30
4th hour (Art 1) 10:35-11:25
(4th Hour) Pride 11:25-11:50
5th hour (A1, A3&4) 12:20-1:10
6th hour (Art 1) 1:15-2:05
(6th Hour) 3rd Meal 2:10-2:20
7th hour (Art 2) 2:25-3:15
Please feel free to contact me anytime at: