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English I Curriculum Map

Curriculum Map 1

9th English I August/September/October

Grade Level: Course: Month:

State Standards(OAS):

9.1.R.1, 9.1.R.2, 9.1.R.3, 9.1.W.1, 9.1.W.2, 9.2.R.1, 9.2.R.2, 9.2.R.3,

9.2.W.1, 9.2.W.2, 9.2.W.3, 9.2.W.4, 9.3.R.1, 9.3.R.2, 9.3.R.3, 9.3.R.4,

9.3.R.6, 9.3.R.7, 9.3.W.1, 9.3.W.2, 9.3.W.3, 9.3.W.4, 9.3.W.5,

9.3.W.6, 9.4.R.1, 9.4.R.2, 9.4.R.3, 9.4.R.4, 9.4.R.5, 9.4.W.2,

9.5.R.1, 9.5.R.2, 9.5.R.3, 9.5.W.1, 9.5.W.3, 9.6.R.3, 9.6.W.1,

9.6.w.2, 9.6.W.4, 9.7.R.1, 9.7.R.2, 9.8.W


Units or Chapters Covered:

Unit 1 Selections:

The Most Dangerous Game

The Gift of the Magi

The Cask of Amontillado and/or other Poe Poetry/Presentations

Much Madness/Compare to Galileo Story online

Mrs. Mack-short personal narrative

Narrative Writing (Write a sequel to “The Most Dangerous Game”) *using all plot elements in the essay



The Writing Process/MLA format

Usage and Mechanics: No More Red Ink

Story Elements

Grammar: Mentor Sentences


ACT vocabulary

Readworks story passages


Unit Questions:

Why is the writing process so important?

How do you set up a narrative essay?

What are the all of the story elements and  how are they used ?

Is conflict necessary?

What does this detail suggest about the reasons for a character’s

thoughts, actions, or words?

What does this detail suggest about the nature of the relationship

between two characters?

What does this passage say about the character’s unstated feelings?

Did I misread the details?

Did the author purposely create false expectations in order to

surprise me later in the story?



Selection Comprehension Tests

Vocabulary Tests

Writing Assignments

Multiple Formative Assessments to check for Mastery

Unit Assessment



Unit Targets: (Students will be able to…)

Students will….

Use the steps of the writing process*Explain and apply story elements*Cite textual evidence to support conclusions drawn from the text by predicting, connecting, visualizing, monitoring, and inferring within the stories.* Create the structure of the plot by citing textual evidence and showing how it creates suspense. * Analyze how an author’s choice in structuring a text and ordering the events creates suspense. * Determine and clarify the meaning of unknown words by using context clues, word patterns and changes, and consulting reference materials. * Use general academic words for sufficient reading and speaking.

* Connect to the story through writing prompts by writing narrative texts to convey understanding. * Correctly identify words with different meanings and their parts of speech. * Correctly identify shifts in verb tenses and write with correct subject/verb agreement. * Knowingly choose to use active or passive voice.


Materials Required:

Pearson textbook and supplemental materials

No More Red Ink

Mentor Sentence Curriculum

Readworks Online




Curriculum Map 2


9th English I  October/Nov/Dec

Grade Level: Course: Month:

State Standards(OAS):

9.1.R.1, 9.1.R.2, 9.1.R.3, 9.1.W.1, 9.1.W.2, 9.2.R.1, 9.2.R.2, 9.2.R.3,

9.2.W.1, 9.2.W.2, 9.2.W.3, 9.2.W.4, 9.3.R.1, 9.3.R.2, 9.3.R.3, 9.3.R.4,

9.3.R.6, 9.3.R.7, 9.3.W.1, 9.3.W.2, 9.3.W.3, 9.3.W.4, 9.3.W.5,

9.3.W.6, 9.4.R.1, 9.4.R.2, 9.4.R.3, 9.4.R.4, 9.4.R.5, 9.4.W.2,

9.5.R.1, 9.5.R.2, 9.5.R.3, 9.5.W.1, 9.5.W.3, 9.6.R.3, 9.6.W.1,

9.6.w.2, 9.6.W.4, 9.7.R.1, 9.7.R.2, 9.8.W


Units or Chapters Covered:

 Unit 2 Selections:

On Summer

 Libraries Face Sad Chapter

 “I Have A Dream”

From Americans in the Great Depression

 Women on the Breadlines

Expository Essay-The Great Depression

Novel: The Upstairs Room (Holocaust/nonfiction)



The Writing Process/MLA format

Usage and Mechanics: No More Red Ink

Story Elements

Grammar: Mentor Sentences


ACT vocabulary/practice tests/flashcards

Readworks story passages


Unit Questions:

What are the steps to the writing process?

How do you set up an expository essay?

Compare and contrast narrative vs expository?

Is knowledge the same as understanding?

What is the author’s central idea, claim, or thesis?

What is the author’s point of view or opinion?

What evidence does the author present to support or illustrate the central idea or theme?

What is the author’s purpose in writing this piece?

What does the author’s word choice reveal about his or her point of view or purpose?

How does the author’s point of view affect what he or she shares about the topic?

In what way is this piece special, unique, or worthy of reading? 



Selection Comprehension Tests

Vocabulary Tests

Writing Assignments/Essays

ACT practice tests


Unit Targets: (Students will be able to…)

Students will….

 be able to use the writing process to produce an expository piece of writing using two resources* comprehend and evaluate text through literature responses*explain the difference between narrative and expository text*understand tone, mood, point of view, and apply all plot parts to stories read*be able to recognize all parts of speech and be able to recognize simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex sentences*enhance vocabulary by using multi-meaning words and ACT vocabulary in the correct context

Materials Required:

Pearson textbook and supplemental materials

No More Red Ink

Mentor Sentence Curriculum

Readworks Online

ACT flashcards/workbook


Curriculum Map 3

9th English I

Grade Level:9 Course: Month:January/Feb/March

State Standards(OAS):

9.1.R.1, 9.1.R.2, 9.1.R.3, 9.1.W.1, 9.1.W.2, 9.2.R.1, 9.2.R.2, 9.2.R.3,

9.2.W.1, 9.2.W.2, 9.2.W.3, 9.2.W.4, 9.3.R.1, 9.3.R.2, 9.3.R.3, 9.3.R.4,

9.3.R.6, 9.3.R.7, 9.3.W.1, 9.3.W.2, 9.3.W.3, 9.3.W.4, 9.3.W.5,

9.3.W.6, 9.4.R.1, 9.4.R.2, 9.4.R.3, 9.4.R.4, 9.4.R.5, 9.4.W.2,

9.5.R.1, 9.5.R.2, 9.5.R.3, 9.5.W.1, 9.5.W.3, 9.6.R.3, 9.6.W.1,

9.6.w.2, 9.6.W.4, 9.7.R.1, 9.7.R.2, 9.8.W


Units or Chapters Covered:

Unit 3 Selections:

Figurative Language Unit

Poetry Review: pgs. 340-43

Dreams pg. 348/The Junkyard Wonders short story

Analysis of Baseball pg. 364

Slam Dunk and Hook pg. 366

Fifteen pg. 377/paraphrasing stanzas

Twister HIts Houston pg. 381

Parts of Romeo and Juliet



The Writing Process/MLA format

Usage and Mechanics: No More Red Ink

Story Elements

Grammar: MUG sentences


ACT vocabulary/practice questions/flashcards

Readworks story passages


Unit Questions:

How does communication change us?

What are the main types of figurative language, and can you identify them in print?

Who is the speaker of the poem?

What inferences can I draw from the poem?

How does the poet’s word choice express specific ideas and emotions?

In what ways does the poem’s structure relate to its meaning?

Can you use apostrophes, colons, semicolons, prepositions, interjections, and quotation marks correctly?

Can you paraphrase and give examples of all of the ACT English flashcard examples?



Selection Comprehension Tests

Vocabulary Tests

Writing Assignments

No Red Ink


ACT practice tests


Unit Targets: (Students will be able to…)

Students will be able to use and recognize figurative language correctly.* Read and interpret poetry by focusing on figurative language, recognizing first, second, and third person, word choice, structure, tone, mood, and inferences.*Students will be able to use and recognize correct use of the above mentioned parts of speech and grammar terms.*The student will be able to comprehend text read and be able to identify the main idea, mood, tone, theme, and structure of passages.*The student will be able to correctly paraphrase each ACT concept from every ACT flashcard and give examples.


Materials Required:

Pearson textbook and supplemental materials

No More Red Ink

Elements of Laguage workbook (grammar, usage, and mechanics)

Readworks Online

ACT flashcards/workbook


Curriculum Map 4

9th English I

Grade Level:9 Course: March, April, May

State Standards(OAS):

9.1.R.1, 9.1.R.2, 9.1.R.3, 9.1.W.1, 9.1.W.2, 9.2.R.1, 9.2.R.2, 9.2.R.3,

9.2.W.1, 9.2.W.2, 9.2.W.3, 9.2.W.4, 9.3.R.1, 9.3.R.2, 9.3.R.3, 9.3.R.4,

9.3.R.6, 9.3.R.7, 9.3.W.1, 9.3.W.2, 9.3.W.3, 9.3.W.4, 9.3.W.5,

9.3.W.6, 9.4.R.1, 9.4.R.2, 9.4.R.3, 9.4.R.4, 9.4.R.5, 9.4.W.2,

9.5.R.1, 9.5.R.2, 9.5.R.3, 9.5.W.1, 9.5.W.3, 9.6.R.3, 9.6.W.1,

9.6.w.2, 9.6.W.4, 9.7.R.1, 9.7.R.2, 9.8.W


Units or Chapters Covered:

Unit 4 Selections:

Character Archetypes

The Necklace pgs. 686-693

Persuasive Reading: Hung-Up/Persuasive Essay

Novel: Wonder

Career Unit/Research


The Writing Process/MLA format

Usage and Mechanics: No More Red Ink

Story Elements

Grammar: Mug Sentences


ACT vocabulary/practice tests/flashcards

Readworks story passages


Unit Questions:

What are the main types of archetypes, and can you identify them in a story?

What are the parts of a play (Romeo and Juliet)?

What inferences can I draw from the story or play?

How does the author’s word choice express specific ideas and emotions?

Can you find and correct grammar mistakes in a piece of writing?

Can you set up and write a persuasive essay correctly?

What career path do you plan to follow after graduation?



Selection Comprehension Tests

Vocabulary Tests

Writing Assignments

No Red Ink


ACT practice tests


Unit Targets: (Students will be able to…)

Students will….

Students will be able to use and recognize character archetypes correctly.*Students will be able to read and interpret a play (Romeo and Juliet).*Students will be able to use and recognize correct use of the above mentioned parts of speech and grammar terms.*The student will be able to comprehend text read and be able to identify the main idea, details, fact and opinion, theme, and all plot parts. Students will be able to correctly outline and write a persuasive piece of writing. Students will be able to effectively research and produce a research paper on a career of his or her choice. Students will be able to develp and share material in a formal presentation.


Materials Required:

Pearson textbook and supplemental materials

No More Red Ink

Elements of Laguage workbook (grammar, usage, and mechanics)

Readworks Online

ACT flashcards/workbook

Novel: Wonder

Book: Hung-Up

Virginia Career View Website (for interests survey and career information)